Latest Past Events

Alternative Proteins: Sustainability, Is the Importance and Impact Understood?


We are delighted to have Julie Emsing Mann join us to share her insights on the topic of alterative proteins and sustainability. Founder of Appropriately Rogue Consulting, LLC, Julie is a food and beverage innovation leader with a primary goal to link and convert insights to action for the food and beverage marketplace. She also is a seasoned ingredient and … Continue reading Alternative Proteins: Sustainability, Is the Importance and Impact Understood?

IFST Event: Visit to XR (extended reality) Lab and Webinar

The XR Lab, University & Professional Development Centre, 73 Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3SP The XR Lab, University & Professional Development Centre, 73 Western Way, Bury St Edmunds

Exploring XR: Redefining the Future of Skills This event is hosted by Food Innovation SIG (Product & Packaging) and Eastern Branch and sponsored by Eastern Education Groups (EEG), XR Lab and Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST). This is a hybrid event. Delegates attending in-person will experience a combination of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality technologies and environments. There will be a 'have a … Continue reading IFST Event: Visit to XR (extended reality) Lab and Webinar


IFST Webinar: Keeping Pace with the Evolving Regulatory Landscape in the Food and Beverage Industry (sponsored by TraceGains)


Navigating the intricate and dynamic global regulatory environment is crucial for success in the food, beverage, and supplement sectors. This webinar dives into the importance of strategic planning and adaptation in the face of regulatory change. With UK & Europe facing significant shifts in food safety and legislation, including increased scrutiny on sustainability, traceability, and … Continue reading IFST Webinar: Keeping Pace with the Evolving Regulatory Landscape in the Food and Beverage Industry (sponsored by TraceGains)
